Tuesday, October 11, 2011


The Ralston YouTube Channel!

I have been looking for a way to compile some of the videos that we have been taking of Delaney as she grows and to share them with friends and family. I broke down and started a YouTube Channel to post videos of her as she grows up. So far we have almost 10 videos, with lots more to come.

To keep updated on our videa subscribe to our YouTube Channel at: www.youtube.com/user/PARalston

Besides the YouTube Channel, lots is changing in our household...
Delaney is growing like a weed and learning new things everyday. She is not only smiling more but she is beginning to coo when she smiles. She is also holding her head up better and playing on her own when we put her on her blanket (she has always done this, but she is getting better and better everyday).

I leave you with this picture of Delaney and her Daddy...
Check out that face I captured in the picture!
Those two sure are silly!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Wow. It's been a month since I have updated our blog. I am not the best at it, no matter how much I convince myself that I will try to get better at it.

Since I wrote last, our little one has grown like a weed!

She's had so many adventures already....

She visited our house in Conifer...

She went to Georgia and got to meet her Papa, GiGi, and Great Grandma Grzecka...

She got her first professional picture done with Sandy...
(here's one of our favorites)

She does lots of silly things. Each day she amazes us with new or silly things that she is learning.

Tonight as she laid playing on her blanket, she got very quiet and we looked down at her and she had fallen asleep all by herself on her blanket.


Monday, September 5, 2011


Welcome to the world Delaney!

Delaney and Daddy enjoying a nap the day she was born

Peacefully sleeping...

Showing off my new bow...

One of mommy's favorite pictures...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Ms. Delaney Lucille Ralston
August 25, 2011 1:45 AM
7 pounds 7 ounces
21 inches

I might be a bit biased, but she sure is gorgeous...and happy...and healthy! What more can a new momma ask for.

She was a bit late, but after our doctor's appointment last Wednesday my doctor said it was time for her to come. A shock to us, but we headed home and got our bags and headed to the hospital. Things got rolling around 11:30AM August 24th and she finally made her appearance at 1:45 AM the next day. I have to thank my awesome husband for being such a presence in the delivery room. Having him by my side the entire time made her delivery such a blessing. Speaking of being blessed, we were also blessed to have my mom and sister there with us to help support us both during Delaney's delivery.

Since she made her appearance in the world, we have been taking it one day at a time, just trying to soak up each and every second of her first week. So far she has had LOTS of visitors, been to YoYogurt and even had her newborn pictures taken (COMING SOON...)

As I type I can hear her squeaking as she sleeps over in her crib and I fall in love even more than I realized possible. Pictures to follow...Here's to the adventure that lies before us...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

It's Been Awhile...

I know....It's been MONTHS!

For anyone that knows our lives at the moment, I believe you will understand in my lack of posting. Since my last post we have...

  • Opened 3 YoYogurts in Colorado Springs (4th on the way soon...)
  • Both quit our jobs to be full time with the new business
  • Put our home on the market
  • Moved to Colorado Springs
  • Started preparing for the birth of our first baby

Phew...Makes me tired just thinking about it.

Even though we have been busy and our lives our constantly changing, I would have to say that we have enjoyed every step of the journey that has been our lives lately. It has been challenging but so rewarding to see the way that God has been influencing our lives on a daily basis, pushing us to become stronger through Him. It is so powerful to see the way he is shaping our lives each and everyday.

Now that August has hit, the changes just keep coming. Today was Delaney's official due date, so we are patiently anxiously awaiting any signs that she is ready to grace us with her presence.We cannot wait to meet our beautiful little princess of God and start adapting to the our new lifestyle. While we have been waiting, we have been trying to squeeze in lots of time together (we turn anytime we have into a "date") including: going out to dinner, walks in our neighborhood, Putt-Putt, a nap or two, going to the movies.

I figured with a little one on the way, this would be a great way to keep people updated on The Ralston household (mainly Delaney I am sure...) Expect lots of pictures and an update when she gets here and we get situated!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday

OK OK OK, I am a week behind, but better late than never!

Last weekend for the Super Bowl, we spent it snowed in. It was a great day to spend in our sweats.

We got the most snow in a few days in February than we have all season.

Here's some of Mother Nature's handy work...

This is what my wonderful hubby spent a great deal of the day doing
Shoveling, Shoveling, Shoveling...
We got our satellite dish cleared off just in time to watch us some football and commercials :)
Besides Pat's shoveling, we spent a majority of our day snuggled up in blankets on the couch.

MMMMM....Besides football and commercials, we enjoyed some yummy football food.

Homemade Hot Wings! MMMM...

Sorry this was so far behind. Hope everyone else had a relaxing Sunday

Saturday, February 5, 2011

MMmMMmm....Recipes Galore!

One of my favorite part of the beginning of the month is menu planning. I love to make our grocery shopping list because that means I get to scour the internet for yummy, quick to prepare and budget friendly recipes to fill our tummies. My intention was to get to the grocery story today. About 30 minutes after Pat left I got bundled up and jumped in my car. About halfway up my car decided it couldn't handle the snow on the driveway. Watching me backup all the way back to the house was quite the show :) Needless to say I didn't make it to get grocery shopping, so it is postponed for another day after we get plowed.

I think that we have some yummy recipes on the docket for the upcoming weeks. I will try to get on to update on how each one turns out but here is what is to come...

--Slow Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup
--Bean Burrito Casserole
--Buffalo Chicken Sandwhiches
--Baked Beef Ravioli
--Chicken Corn Chowder
--Slow Cooker Enchildas
--Green Chili Hamburgers
--Baked Chicken & Potatoes
--Breakfast (Waffles & Eggs)

Mmmmm. Thanks for checking in on us!